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Military/UAS Specialist Opportunity with Colorado Firefighting CoE


The Colorado Dept. of Public Safety, Division of Fire Prevention and Control (DFPC) has an open position for a UAS/Military subject matter expert, to assist the division with integration of military technologies and unmanned systems into firefighting operations. From the posting:

“The position is a subject matter expert in integrating military technologies and Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) into aerial firefighting and public safety programs. The position exists to collaborate with other CoE staff to review existing research and data, highlight information deficiencies, and identify key research needs as they relate to policy-relevant best practices for integration of military technologies and UAS into firefighting operations. The position should also work closely with industry partners to help guide development of new technologies, applications, and techniques that can benefit the Colorado firefighter.”

The deadline for applications is August 23 at 1700. Additional details are available on the full job posting, here:

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